Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sir Poops and Hair Ball: Guardian of the Garden

Hi, nice people. It's me, Hair Ball. My old pansy brother is snoozing again.

That's all he seems to do anymore. Sleep and sleep and sleep.

Anyway, Blogger is being a Blooger again so I'm typing on the iPhone. This is very   difficult and hard on my paws, you know.

It also upsets me that I can't give another cute picture of myself to another blogger. Google Chrome and Blogger aren't in sync today I guess.

But I'd like to show you something.

That's Mummsy's patio garden.

And I'm the Guardian of it. I get to yell at squirrels and raccoons. Yep. I sure do.

Okay. I'm gonna go now. I know a lot of you like Mummsy have been doing Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge.

Me and Sir Poops will see you, nice people, next week. Hopefully, my pansy brother will stay awake long enough to say 'hi' to everyone. 

I'm also hoping Blogger and Google Chrome will get it together by then.

Lots of licks and belly rubs, everyone!


  1. She's done a nice job with the garden.
    Sorry about the issues with blogging. Google Chrome is a real pain with Blogger.

    1. Mummsy was worried last night because she couldn't open up her draft from her computer last night. But thankfully this morning, she was able to.

  2. Never underestimate the value of a good nap, Hair Ball!

    Keep those rotten squirrels in line.

    1. But he'll sleep all day. He doesn't play games with me anymore. He's turned into a boring old fart.

  3. Green stuff actually growing outside! That's wonderful to see, this time of year.

    1. Yes. Green stuff. Squash, zuchinni, tomatoes, peppers, chilis and jalapenos and kale. The thing that died right away were my cucumbers.

      Right now, Florida is unusually cool but hey...its wonderful. Humidity will be here in no time and for a very long time.

  4. Try Firefox. It plays well with Blogger.

  5. Fiona thinks she's the guardian of everything, but her sister Pinky told her she's the guardian of NOTHING! I can imagine Hairball keeping an eye out for everything!!

    1. He really does. When I'm upstairs, he's on the top step watching the front door. When I'm on the couch, he's on the back of it watching the front and slididing glass doors.

  6. My firefox and google are always battling.
    I too an planting a small garden this year. I had to build a packrat and critter proof shelter to keep them out... so it is small and hopefully secure.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. My critter proofing is cayenne pepper. Every couple of days I'm out sprinkling it.

    2. Arizona packrats eat anything .... they would laugh at cayenne pepper. I use to buy gallon sized jugs of hot sauce as my first perimeter defense and they laughed !


  7. Just think what you guys could do to that patio garden. Seriously, your female human has done well.

    Blooger is a pain in the rump at the best of times.

    Penny's pretend human,


  8. Your marigolds look great! Can't quite see what else you have going on. I've had to wait for weather to straighten out before I get into gardening--such as it is!

    1. Marigolds do very well in Florida. I've got squash, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, chili and jalapeno peppers and kale growing. And I plan on planting more marigolds and some begonias.

  9. Does Cayenne Pepper really help or do you just get critters that have to sneeze so much that they forget to nibble? Hair Ball might still be the best (and noisiest) deterrent.

  10. I hate it when things we rely upon go on the blink. I'm sure you make a great garden protector.

  11. Sounds like your having communication problems. Well done for holding the fort, Hair Ball.

  12. Ooh the garden looks nice. I hope blogger starts working like it's supposed to soon. :-)


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