Tuesday, April 26, 2011

V is for Whatever I Say Its for Today

Nope. Haven’t lost my creative mind. Just don’t have the time to type my little heart out today. So, I will be awarding awards. Yes, awards. Two kinds today, but I’ll be delivering a little at a time this week. I do everything in chunks. Especially when I don’t have much time. Okay, here I go:


This was awarded to me by these three lovely bloggers:

Robb Logger http://inspiredbycaffeinenictene.blogspot.com/

Ms. Giggle, Laugh, and Cry http://gigglelaughcry.blogspot.com/

Hallie Gomez http://halligomez.blogspot.com/

And, I thank you guys. I really, really do. However,there are rules. Hate the damn rules but one must comply. Right?

Rule no.: 1: Which is the best one. The good one. Thank the one who gave you the blog award and direct everyone to their blog. No problem.

Rule no.: 2: Award fifteen others. Yikes! That means I need to pay close attention to what others have been awarded so I  don’t duplicate. Or, is it proper etiquette to duplicate in the blog world. Haven’t got a clue. Someone please fill me in.

Rule no.: 3: Tell seven or ten things about myself you all don’t know (Something like that. Need to get the story straight). HOLY CRAP! Really? You mean my profile’s not enough blah, blah about me?

Okay. Today, I’ll give you three things you more than likely don’t know about me.

1. I have a hemorrhoid I personally named SNEED. He’s a regular visitor at the Bed and Breakfast Down Under Inn.

2. The letters in SNEED represent the first letter of each one of my daughters’ names.

3. If you didn’t know, my daughters are grown. And yes, they still drive me crazy. Their drama literally zaps the life out me. Hence, SNEED always comes to comfort me when I’m the most stressed. What are best friends for? Right?

Let’s move on….(a line from Robb Logger)

So, today I'm awarding The Versatile Blog Award to the following:





I like these ladies. I think you will, too. Tomorrow, I’ll award more and figure out what other secrets I can tell you about myself.

HOLD ONTO YOUR UNDERWEAR AND PANTIES FOlKS, I’m not finished yet because I was awarded another award over the weekend. Lorlei Bell, the author of Vampire Ascending (Really good book. Reading now but not right this minute), gave it to me. Thank you soooo much for this award, Lorelei (Like her name).




Okay. Ya’ll are wondering what the hell is a Liebster Blog Award. I couldn’t tell you. Nor could Lorelei. It’s probably a good word to Google. The word itself looks rather studious. Don’t you think? An intelligent-looking word, in deed.

Anyway, Lorelei is cool. She writes vampire novels. Serious ones. Really. You can check out her blog here: http://loreleismuse-lorelei.blogspot.com/

All righty then, the rules for this one….there is none. HAPPY DANCES TO ME! And, of course to those I award it to. There is five to give. My first choice goes to:

http://bobscotney.blogspot.com/ He’s a grand-puppy-pa, after all.

Congrats buddy! You get to paste this beautiful, intelligent looking word on your blog.

Okay. I’m out of here people. I’ve got blogs to read. Stories to write. Places to go. And, last but not least, people to annoy.

Happy blogging, writing, and reading!


PS Remember to save a library!

PSS Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for more stuff.


  1. I gave up on doing awards. I always get the rules all wrong!

  2. @Norma: I know. Right? It makes my eye-brains cross, you know.

  3. Based on my limited knowledge of the German language, I would say Liebster is something you love. Everyone loves Shelly--even Hairball!
    Even Sneed? :)

  4. Eve: As always your so sweet. Thank you. I also googled the Liebster award. There are rules but not that many to whine about. Give the award to a new blogger that has under 300 followers.

  5. That would confuse me too, Shelly. But then I get confused easily lately. I'm blaming it on my antibiotics, but wondering how long I can get away with it! :-)

  6. Very cool way to handle the 'rules.' Thanks for introducing me to some new bloggers too.

    I’m A-Z Blogging on Langley Writes about Writing and Langley’s Rich and Random Life

  7. Very creative post today, shelly! :)
    And I like the 'paying it forward'.

  8. This is excellent Shelly..a great way to get introduced to new blogs! Your hemorrhoid has a great and meaningful name..they're still a pain in the ass though eh? I mean the hemorrhoids not the kids..I have three grown sons and in my case maybe it is the kids...hmmm...great post Shelly!

  9. Thanks for the award Shelly. Lover, friend whatever it's great to be recognised. I'll pass the credit on to my granddogs.

  10. Congrats on your new award! Well deserved of course.
    I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  11. Thank you for the award! I am going to have to work up the energy to accept it (due to the high volume of rules). I agree you deserve an award! :)

  12. Shelly, I made an award just for you. :) No need to pass it around.


  13. @Laura: Confusion...there are times I live in a cloud of it.

    @Ms. Langley: No problem. There will be more tomorrow.

    @Lesley: Smiles to you.

    @Bob: You're quite welcome.

    @Halli: Thank you for your kindness and stopping by.

    @Tonja: You're very welcome. I'm heading over to your blog now.

  14. Thanks! And congrats! I love these awards!


Let me know what you think.