Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

I wanted to wish everyone A Happy Memorial Day. Also, I wanted to say my heart goes to those families whose sons and daughters have died in service to this country. My eyes can’t stay dry while I write this. Thank you.


PS My biggest wish is for peace and for people to share. This is what we learned in Kindergarten, after all.


  1. I'm not a U.S. citizen but I hope that you had a good one !

  2. Thank you Shelly! We are so fortunate to be here in the U.S. and you're sincerity shines though on your post!

  3. @ MISH: Thank you much.

    @Eve: Yes, we are fortunate. Too bad not many realize this.

  4. Agree with you Shelly, I second your wish! Happy Mem day to everyone !

  5. @Ju: Yup. War is so unnecessary. It's for the bankers.

  6. Happy Memorial Day to you as well!

  7. Thank you for this, Shelly.

    William, you can be an honorary US citizen if we can be honorary Canadians....

  8. Hope you had a Happy Memorial day. My thoughts also go out to the families of those who gave their lives in service to their country.


  9. @ Sylvia: Thank you.
    @Norma: No problem. Yup. Sir Wills can be an American with us.
    @Misha: Thank you. I had a restful one. Didn't do much of anything except go shopping for a grandbaby on the way.


Let me know what you think.