Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sir Poops and Hair Ball: ISWG-Staying Focused

HB & SPAL: Good morning, nice people!

HB: As you can see I'm wide awake and my brother, once again, is half asleep. 

Anyway, I got Mummsy's shoes ready for our morning walk. 

Come on, pansy! Get up! We have adventures to go on. 

SPAL: ***yawns*** 

HB: Get focused!

HB: We have a task to do our business this morning. Wake up! You don't want to whiz on a snake or something!

SPAL: ***scratches his head*** and sniffs around***.

HB: Good. Stay on task. Next, we'll eat our breakfast.

SPAL: ***follows HB*** I do this every morning.

HB: Yeah. But you've been lazy about it lately. It's pretty shabby when you whiz on your own leg.

HB: Hey! That's my bowl! Pay attention!

SPAL: Whatever. I'm going back to bed.

HB: See, nice people. This is not how you want to be. You'll never get your stuff done and it wouldn't look right if you walked around with a yellow leg like my brother does half the time. So stay focused on your tasks.

You can do it! Now say cheeeeeeze for the camera!

This post was created for Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Group.

Lots of licks and belly rubs to everyone!


  1. Good to hear you mom is up and about and can take you for a walk!

    1. Yes. She better. But she has to go back to the doctor tomorrow.

  2. Replies
    1. I know. He smiles a lot. Especially when he's getting ready for a cookie or a treat or a walk.

  3. Glad to hear your mom is on the mend, pups.

    And thank you for the reminder to stay focused on my tasks...I can never have too many of those.

  4. How cute. I enjoy the story. Focus yes, it is all about focus. Good post.

    Happy Writings,
    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

  5. and this ends with the best smile ever !

    cheers, parsnip

  6. These two are too cute.

    Hopefully all goes okay with the doctor.

  7. Now that's a smile!

    How are you feeling, Shelly?

  8. Squirrel!

    Love that last picture. :D Happy Mother's Day!

  9. Awwww, hope these two are behaving while mummy hasn't been well...
    Hope you're feeling better, Shelly!

  10. Lovely story and those puppies are the cutest thing! Hope you are feeling better, Shelly.

  11. You must be feeling better. Yay! :D
    Love the pics of the puppies. They are so cute. ;)

  12. Love the pics of your dogs!
    And yes, paying attention is good. :)
    Hugs and chocolate!!!

  13. I am laughing at this post and probably because for some reason my dog seems to have a lot of what I call ghost pee. She has to sniff everything and then squats but nothing. I love the last pic too- cheeze and that puppy smile. :) Hope you are feeling better and Happy Mothers Day!

  14. They look like enough entertainment for several people. Loved the smiles!


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