Thursday, October 2, 2014

Sir Poops and Hair Ball: ISWG: Self-Reflection

Hello, nice people! I know. I'm late posting for this group. I hope Mr. Alex will forgive me. We've been busy this week examining ourselves, our work, and how we live at my house. Yom Kippor is coming.

Mummsy's been letting Killer Stilettos sit while she contemplates it. In the meantime, she's drafting another piece.

She's also wondering if she should draft a few stories before publishing another one. Maybe if she drafts several then she could have a year where she polishes them and then publishes. She's learned what works for one writer doesn't work for another.

Mummsy gets overwhelmed with paperwork and business matters. So I guess for now she's just focusing on her writing projects until they're all complete.

But she will be publishing a short story before the end of the year. Samah Ronit.

Update on Sir Poops: my brother is still with us. He sleeps a lot though. It scares me when he struggles to breathe. Most nights Mummsy sleeps with him on the sofa because of it.

That's all I have for now. Hope everyone takes time this week and think about how they can become better people. I've been trying to share. This next year, I'm going to try even harder to do so. It's not been too hard to give up certain things to help my brother. Lately, I've been letting him lick my bowl.

Okay. Gotta go. See you, nice people next month.

Lots of licks and belly rubs,
Hair Ball


  1. No worries you're late!
    Glad Sir Poops is still with you.
    Having several things ready to be released close together might be a good idea.

  2. May Mummsy continue to comfort poor Sir Poops for much longer.

  3. I'm so happy to hear Sir Poops is hanging in there.

    Short stories could prove to be a very good thing for you, Shelly.

    1. Thanks, Norma. Life is crazy everywhere. So much going on as you well know.

  4. Good news about Sir Poops. And definitely try out the drafting before you release.
    Happy writing!

  5. Well you are still are here and that is good.
    I don't know much about writing but I always do some other drawing when I am doing a project. I frees up the brain.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Yes. It is good and scary. His breathing scares me. Like a 100 times a day, I'm sniffing him to make sure he's okay.

  6. Hugs to you and your brother. So nice of you to let him lick your bowl.

  7. Aw, Sir Poops, hang in there sweet pup. It's nice of you to let him lick your bowl.

    Good luck with the short story!

  8. You're a sweetie for letting your brother lick your bowl, HB. Hugs to you and Sir Poops and also to your mummsy. Take care!

  9. Best wishes to SPAL!
    Take care, Shelly!

  10. I hope your dog is okay.


Let me know what you think.