Friday, December 5, 2014

What is a Drug Addict?

I wrote a poem of sorts the other day and posted it to my Facebook wall. So I'm sharing it here since it pretty much goes with my Thursday/Friday theme. Not to mention, I went south to visit my grandsons. And that seems to slap me in the face every time I go back. Memories suck sometimes. No to mention, daughters number 3 and 4 struggle with drug addiction. Its a constant battle.

So here it is:

What is a Drug Addict?

A daughter
A son
A wife
A husband
A mom
A dad
They expect everyone to cater to their needs
Pay their rent...
Buy their gas
Buy their food
While they invest in their habit
They're emotional thieves
Stealing their families love
Their trust
Their money
Always blaming everyone around them for the addiction they crave
No one matters
Nothing is good
Everyday is a bad day
It's always someone else's fault
Life dealt them a bad deck
They're skillful hunters
Seeking to use whatever weapon against their prey
Leaving their entire family bruised

Shelly Arkon 2014
Hugs and chocolate, everyone!


  1. Sounds like every addict I've ever known....

  2. It is a struggle for you to deal with.

  3. WOW !
    That is one powerful piece of writing.
    You are walking one rough road.
    In a small way I can relate

    cheers, parsnip

    1. I drove home Wednesday in tears. I'm beside myself.

    2. I have cried in the car and screamed in the shower.

  4. That brilliantly captures the exact way they act. So sorry you have to go through this.

    1. I wish I could climb inside my daughters. It would be fixed in 2 weeks.

  5. Oh, so sad. Probably the same can be said about alcoholics. They hurt themselves and others too.

    1. Yes. They do. My younger daughter's dad is a functional alcoholic. And he always took care of us until he left.

  6. Oh Shelly!
    Sorry to read about this. Makes me sad.
    It's difficult. Hang in there...

  7. Your poem sure describes addicts/alcoholics I have known.

    1. I hear the same old same old every time I go down south. And I always spend money I don't have just to make sure my grandson has food and a roof over his head.

  8. Shelly, I'm really sorry your daughters seem unwilling to win that battle.

    1. I'm working a plan. But it will only work if they're willing.

  9. As someone who nearly died from alcoholic addiction, perhaps I can bring some hope. The focus can change away from the addiction when one understands that the only addiction to embrace is the one of love. It took a near-death experience to make me realise it was time for a real-life experience. May your daughters find that addiction is only a replacement for the real picture.

    In kindness and hope,



Let me know what you think.