Thursday, June 4, 2015

Sir Poops and Hair Ball: ISWG- Crunching Time

Hello, nice people!

Sorry I’m late with this ISWG post. Hope no one is mad at me. Mummsy’s been busy at the salon. They’ve been working her long hours. They came up with something new and she is not happy about it. If ten two-legged peeps come in at five minutes to closing she and her co-workers have to stay and cut their hair.

She’s been feeling insecure lately because her physical energy only allows her to do so much in one day. The new way of doing things at work has been cutting into her writing time. So now she’s made her blocks of time to write even smaller. She’s lucky if she gets 2000 words in a week.

Poor Mummsy. One day she’ll have some other things to publish.

Anybody else having issues with their day/night job interfering with your writing time?

This post was to you on behalf of Alex J. Cavanaugh’s Insecure Writer’s group.

Lots of licks and belly rubs, nice people,

Hair Ball


  1. awwwwww Hair Ball you look so wonderful.
    Sorry Mum has no energy. Fell better soon.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Well, my life is quite leisurely, you know. My job is to guard the house. The most I do is holler at peeps to stay away. It's quite boring most times.

  2. We had a similar policy at my old day job. If a customer came in before the doors were locked, they could stay there as long as they wanted, and we had to deal with it.

    Day jobs are always a time/energy suck. Hang in there!

    1. Yes. They are. It's feeling like China in America.

  3. No worries on being late,
    Bummer you have to stay longer. Time to learn speed cutting.

    1. Speed cutting is hard on the hands. I've even cut my left middle fingers knuckle off a couple of times.

  4. Hi Hair Ball,

    Your human mummy must be most frustrated. I know that her work gets in the way for her passion for the written word. I'm sorry to read this and finding the right balance can be so difficult.

    The salon's policy is unfair to the staff. There should be a, pardon the pun, cut off point.

    Penny sends licks and kisses.

    Penny's alleged human,


    1. Corporations don't care. America is becoming the new China.

  5. Ten two-legged peeps are INCONSIDERATE to visit at five minutes to closing!
    Can't they make an appointment? In advance?
    Hope you're well, Shelly! *waving*

  6. Where I work, they don't do appointments. I'm good. Just exhausted everyday.

    1. Hi Shelly!
      Just checking in to see if you're okay.

  7. I'm having plenty of issues with finding enough writing time. Something always ends up interfering. Good luck figuring it out!

  8. It's now summer, school is out, and I have a lot of time to write. I haven't.

  9. You can tell Mummsie that she's not on her own. I'm so busy trying to promote my stuff that I'm struggling to get the time to write anything new. I hope things calm down at work for her soon.

  10. Know how that is. I think you're right. It's like American corporations don't care that we don't make a living wage, or that they put more hours, more work on you.
    I'm with you on that, my friend.
    Licks, belly rubs, and overly warmed chocolate hugs!

  11. Sigh. This sucks.

    Me... Work's cutting into writing time too, but it's okay, because my writing time used to be quite work time. It's just messing with my speed a bit.

  12. That stinks about the day job. Don't people know they shouldn't go to a place right before closing?!

  13. Have you ever taken B12 shots?

  14. Oh, gosh, that's a terrible policy at a hair salon! They should have it as volunteer only. :)

    Work has definitely cut into my writing time before.

  15. Mummsy's company policy is sucky. And the day job just sucks the life right out of you sometimes, doesn't it? Mummsy is getting more writing done than I am so she's doing okay.


Let me know what you think.