Sunday, July 24, 2016

Hair Ball: I Have a Sister

Hello, nice people!

As you can see my new sister is a hog. She has claimed my spot on the couch. Her name is Beanie-Bean.

Mummsy and I went to the SPCA yesterday. It was love at first sight.

When we got to the community gate, her ears pricked up and she looked around at all the houses in my neighborhood. She kept saying, "Cool" from that point until we pulled into the garage.

And then she asked over and over, "Where are we?"

I told her, "Get a grip and don't whiz in my house."

"I don't whiz. I tinkle."


"That's what girls do."

"Whatever. Just know it's my house and my stuff and that Mummsy was mine first."

After, I gave her a quick run down on my house rules, Mummsy let us both out of the car.

Once inside, Beanie-Bean froze in front of the door. "WOW!" She smiled the biggest smile I ever saw. Bigger than the ones Sir Poops used to give.

"Yeah. Just remember this is my house and my Mummsy with my toys and my food."

She ignored me and ran around my dining table and then up my stairs. "I have a home!" She dashed through each room glancing at every wall and piece of furniture. "This is AWESOME!" Beanie-Bean was in awe.

"Make sure you don't tinkle on any parts of my rug!"

"I won't. I love Mummsy for bringing me here. She gave a home and a family. I'M SO HAPPY!"

Anyway, so much for anything being just mine anymore.

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. Beanie is cute. Bet she'll be chewing your toys soon.

  2. Beanie Bean is adorable. So sweet. Congratulations!! Hairball you be a good little boy now.

    1. Yes. She is. She was so happy and thankful to have a home. I've never experienced a grateful dog before.

    We have been looking for over a years for a friend for thehamish.
    He has been great but the other dogs not so good.
    I am so happy that Hair Ball has a sister.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

    1. She is a wonderful addition. We were meant to have her.

    2. She is a wonderful addition. We were meant to have her.

  4. Aw. Beanie-Bean is lovely. I'm so happy for you all that you found each other!

  5. I love this! It's funny how, once you know a critter's personality, you can imagine what they might be saying to you or to each other!

    1. She is the sweetest. And Hair Ball is his feisty self again. He's glad to have her but has been left speechless many times since she came home with us. He can't beleive that she has claimed his spot on the couch.

  6. Aww!! Beanie-Bean is adorable!! Love the pictures. I'm sorry you have to share, Hair Ball but I bet you will love your new sister very soon and it won't even matter any more. <3


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