Sunday, August 28, 2016

Heart Worms and Fleas

When Sir Poops had his third emergency visit to the vet, his breath was short and shallow. I stayed up with him all night thinking his time had come. He made it through so I rushed him to the vet early in the morning.

During that visit, I learned that he had an enlarged heart and water on his lungs.

"Is he on heart worm preventative?" the vet asked.

"Not the conventional kind," I said. "I use Diatomaceous Earth."

"That doesn't work. I'm going to check him for heart worms. That's why his heart is enlarged. I'm sure of it."

I let him run the test knowing my fur-baby had no such thing. Holistic means do work if properly kept up with.

Hair Ball and Sir Poops never had a problem with flea infestations either. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in their water bowl kept those critters away plus a bath every other week. One cup of Dawn and one cup of vinegar mixed with equal parts water washed any intruders down the drain. The biggest flea count the two ever had was ONE each.

Anyway, when the vet came back with the heart worm test, he hesitantly announced, "You're lucky. He doesn't have any. But still you should put him on a heart worm preventative."

I shot him a look, and said, "Would you spray your food with Raid?"

"Oh! You're one of them!"

Yeah. I was and still am. My pets deserve the best.


  1. I know I wouldn't want food sprayed with Raid!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes. One of them. Nice to know I'm in a category.

  3. You showed him. What was wrong with him then?

  4. With Sir Poops? At 5 years he was diagnosed with a heart murmur. If the vet would've read his chart he would've put 2 and 2 together. Sir Poops enlarged heart happened because of congenital issues. But in the end he died of liver cancer.

  5. ohhhhhh you're one of them ! I hope he "ate" the cost of the heartworm test.
    Listen to me Shelly, I have a cane and know how to use it !
    My vet is good with whatever I want to try. She even offers some interesting ideas.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

    1. That's awesome. After Sir Poops passed, I found a vet who works with me.

  6. Who says natural remedies don't work? My husband and I take so many natural and herbal vitamins that we score an A+ on our physicals every time.

    1. Certain doctors and veterinarians. Their pharmaceuticals keep you sick and money in their pockets.

  7. I do have my food sprayed with Raid. It's what my wife calls her secret spice recipe. On the other hand I've never had worms.

    1. Only you, Roger, would eat bug spray on your food. LOL!

  8. Good for you, Shelly! You know what's best for your babies!

  9. I've had vets nag me to vaccinate every year. Apparently they make more money from shots than titers. I'm with you Shelly, you know what's best for your dogs.

    1. In Florida, we have the option to give the rabies every 3 years. That's what I do. But they push all the other crap on you. Around 5 I don't do the other shots. Besides, my fur babies are in the house and have little to no contact with other animals.

  10. Hey Shelly,

    Your story reminds me of some of the weird stuff vets have told me about Penny. One vet was so off base that we took Penny to another vet who diagnosed her correctly.


    1. Most, unfortunately, are in it for the money. If they can keep or make our pets sick, they make more of it.

  11. Poor sweetie. Sounds like a doctor with an attitude. I've been meeting a few of those lately. :)

    1. Yeah. I'm sure. They really believe they know everything. Hope you're okay, Evie.

  12. Doctors feel threatened by natural/herbal remedies. It takes money out of their pockets!
    Hope you're well, Shelly! *waving*

    1. I'm good as long as I pace myself. If I take on too much, then I crash and burns: .

  13. If it works for you, stick with it. I'm never 100% confident in medical professionals anyway. I hope Sir Poops feels better soon.

  14. If it works for you, stick with it. I'm never 100% confident in medical professionals anyway. I hope Sir Poops feels better soon.


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