Friday, September 30, 2016

Beanie-Bean and a Training Harness

Hello, nice people!

It is me, Beanie-Bean. I'm hiding my face today because ... well.... I broke Mummsy's arm three Mondays ago. She wouldn't let me get to that darned armidillo. It's really his fault. But I'll take the blame.

Mummsy has since talked about putting me in a training harness. The thing sounds hideous.

Anyone ever use one of these on their fur peep...


  1. Replies
    1. Mummsy says maybe if she would've had one of those on me, she wouldn't have broken my arm.

  2. I'm sorry she broke your arm. I hope you have one of those training harnesses now.

  3. I've found harnesses are much like leashes. Some dogs get used to them faster than others. Sometimes you have to just keep at it and sometimes you have to try different ones till you find the right one. Good luck, Shelly.

  4. Beanie, you have to learn to control yourself. Try not to break your mom again.

    1. I didn't know she would break her arm. I feel bad. Armidillos are bad.

  5. We used something like this for thehamish. It had a small part that went over this nose. When he pulled the harness would pull his head down a bit. We used it for sometime and he just really got better. Plus by that time Watson was walking very slow and thehamish just walked along with him. So I am not sure if it helped or not.
    My friend who alway had big dog used it for her dogs.

    I am so sorry about your arm. Take care.
    Naughty gud dug.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. We always hurt the ones we love ...

  7. Don't know anything about the harness, but I wanted to wish you a speedy recovery! That naughty fur-peep:0.

  8. A broken arm doesn't sound very humorous to me. Sure hope you heal quickly, Shelly. A harness sounds more comfortable than a collar around the neck.

    1. Yes. I would think a harness would be more comfy.

  9. Oh no, I'm sorry to read this. We all make mistakes, Beanie. Tell your mom I hope her arm is healed very soon. I broke my arm once and I know it's no fun at all. Hugs to both of you!

    1. I can't sit in her lap and she cant take me for walks right now. No fun.

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