Monday, December 12, 2016

Beanie-Bean and Hair Ball: Snow White Poops

Ooooo! A certain someone has been very naughty. The evidence has been coming out in this certain someone's poop.

If I were Mummsy, I'd take you back to doggie jail.

*Beanie-Bean glances over her shoulder and sticks out her tongue at Hair Ball. Then, she quickly turns to face her Mummsy who is scowling and wagging her finger.*

I sorry, Mummsy. But your mouth guard was tasty. For some reason I just couldn't help myself.

Did I tell you how beautiful you smell? Like flowers. I didn't mean to be naughty. *frowns* I know it's the third one. If it makes you feel any better, it gave me a tummy ache. It gave me snow white poo, too. Hard like rocks.

I sorry. I don't mean to be naughty. Really. I promise.

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. Bean likes to get into things she shouldn't, doesn't she?

    1. All the time. She hopped onto the kitchen chair to get to one pair of my glasses. Chewed them into oblivion.

  2. Beanie is a hoodlum! A cute hoodlum, though.

  3. ummmmmmmm mom oh mom ummm nice lady oh nice lady I love you so much so much
    nomm nom nom.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. She's lucky you're so forgiving, Shelly!

    1. It's good that I have and not any of my friends. Each one have told me to take her back to the shelter. She really is a sweet girl. She just needs work. That's all.

  5. Can't be mad at them for long, huh? So cute. Happy Holidays!

  6. lol, poor thing.
    Wishing you a merry Christmas.

  7. pups are so fun - i love giving mine voice too =)

    wanted to thank you for stopping by my Cradle Rock release tour at Julie Flander's blog! happy holidays!


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