Sunday, January 15, 2017

Hello everyone! I know. I know. Me and that pip-squeak Hair Ball haven't been around. We've been busy...well I've been busy helping our Mummsy.

I've taken up washing dishes lately. It's theraputic and tasty.

Anyway, don't tell Mummsy. But I prayed real hard that she would never go back to that thing called work. Today, after 11 years and giving Daddy-o a haircut there, they let her go. They said she doesn't have full capacity of her arm. She can't do blow dries or cut layers into really long hair. Her arm won't stretch that far.

She's sad. Poor Mummsy! And she had a work-at-home job. But that boss told her to get surgery or no more work this past week. What is going on? That wasn't fair. Mummsy worked real hard researching things and making time lines for his trials. She finished all her work on time. Hope he pays her her last paycheck.

Mummsy's arm doesn't jiggle where it got broken. She can type and stuff. She does a lot of things. She says this is going to take time. Her shoulder is slightly frozen. Wished I could lick her all better.

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. OMG !
    What a bad and sad time for you.
    Has your arm healed and are you out of pain ?
    I hope you can work this all out.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. No bone yet. But a hard callus. Getting some range of motion. But can only lift it so far. Battling frozen shoulder. Feb.9th will have another xray. Been using a bone stimulator daily.

    2. No bone yet. But a hard callus. Getting some range of motion. But can only lift it so far. Battling frozen shoulder. Feb.9th will have another xray. Been using a bone stimulator daily.

    3. No bone yet. But a hard callus. Getting some range of motion. But can only lift it so far. Battling frozen shoulder. Feb.9th will have another xray. Been using a bone stimulator daily.

  2. Shelly, I'm sorry! Wow, all that from the pull on a leash of an over-eager dog. Hope more motion comes back.

  3. Oh, how terrible you lost your job as a hairdresser. I don't understand why the other one let you go if you are able to do all the work though.

    1. Today. I got a call from the manager telling me she could put me on the schedule for 2 to 3 nights a week at 2 hour shifts. She felt bad.

  4. Shelly, maybe you can do what Collin's doing now. He had to leave his job due to arthritis in his feet. Now he works from home for a call center. If you're interested, he can email the contact info to you.

  5. PS He gets full benefits--medical and life insurance, even pet insurance. Paid vacations, too.

    1. Norma, do you have to have a landline to do the job? If not, have him email me the info. Thank you.

  6. Shelly, I'm so sorry to hear that on top of the difficult healing nightmare, you've lost your job too. Hopefully, new and better opportunities will come from this.

    1. I've got my resume written and ready to go. Also today, my manager from the salon called me and said she could schedule 2 to 3 nights a week at 2 hour shifts. This would work at getting my strength back.

  7. Oh dear. I am sad too and hope your mommy feels back to normal soon. She'll be the best stylist in the state in no time and those people she worked for will be groveling on their hands and knees to get her back!

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