Wednesday, September 7, 2011
This is the morning we had to get up early to get Sweetman to the dentist. Our taxi drove us to another town about twenty minutes from Tel Aviv. We were dropped off in a neighborhood with no visual medical community around. No offices were visible. It was a mystery.

Somewhere in this apartment building existed a dentist. Scary really! I felt like I was taking Sweetman to a top secret place to have his entire face changed. Just to let you all know, these three story apartment buildings are in the suburbs outside of Tel Aviv. For the most part, they are pretty typical residences in Israel except for the kibutzes. But still I had the feel of doing something illegal. ***eyes darting side to side****

We walked up these stairs wondering if we were in the right place. We knocked on a door and an old man answered. Nope! Wrong one. We went to another door. Nope! Wrong again. Crying children huddled at the legs of woman behind this one.

This one was it but no one was there to let us in so we ventured back down the stairs. We waited out in the courtyard.

We came across these two guys. They watched us with intent. They didn’t take their eyes off us. They stared. We stared. I believe these two were Israeli spies sent from the passport office checking up on us to make sure we told them the truth about why we were in their country.

In fact, another one flew in. By the way he took charge of things, I’d say he was the head spy. This one watched us until we went back upstairs to the dentist’s office.
“Look at those birds,” Sweetman said. “They’re really watching us.”
“Yeah. Wonder if they’re deciding whether or not to poo on us?” I said. “You know, maybe their spies. It’s strange how they just sit there and look right at us. They haven’t moved an inch.”
“Yeah.” Sweetman scratched his chin.
“Creepy.” I snapped their pictures.
A good thing the dentist came. She may’ve saved our lives or something. It could’ve been another Alfred Hitchcock movie in the making if she hadn’t. Know what I mean?
After the dentist, we went back to Tel Aviv to change from the Crowne Holiday Inn to the Israeli Intercontinental, a definite upgrade and more Sweetman’s taste. Plus, it was more restful for him. He’d been given orders to rest that entire day.

This is a small mosque just below us. You can see the Mediterranean behind it.

More Mediterranean and an old outside theater.

A picture taken from our room. We were on the sixteenth floor. We had a great view of Tel Aviv.

I think I caught a UFO hovering over the city. ***smiles***
Yup. As you can tell, it wasn’t real exciting on this day and my imagination ran wild.
The real exciting parts of our trip will begin on Monday.
Have great weekend!
Happy blogging, reading, and writing!