Friday, January 16, 2015

Sir Poops and Hair Ball: Feeling Ugly

Hello, nice people! I'm still here. But feeling ugly right now ... and cold.

Mummsy had to shave me bald. My once, beautiful coat, matts no matter how many times she brushes it a day. That used to be one of my favorite past times. Now it's just too painful. 

I wish I could be a puppy again.

The above picture is me. I was 8 weeks old when Mummsy brought me home. She paid 75 dollars for me because the show breeder said I was to big for a Chinese Crested to do shows. But Mummsy loved me anyway.
I sat in a box next to her on the way to my new home, shaking all the way. I had no clue at the time what a wonderful life I would have.
And it really has been a wonderful one.

Have a nice day everyone. Get lots of lovey-loves, belly rubs, and licks. Give them out, too.

Sir Poops
PS I couldn't get the last pic to turn around for me.


  1. Sorry you're shaved, but at least you have a sweater. I have no doubt she spoiled you.

  2. So sorry you feeling ugly. But many actors have shaved heads and look handsome. I think you look wonderful.
    Just think of all the fabulous sweaters and late on tee shirts you can wear.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Aww, you still look like a doll. I'm glad you have a sweater. Hugs to you, sweetie.

  4. So cute. Like a little stuffed animal and you're still adorable in that stylish green plaid sweater! Hugs from Fiona and Pinky!

  5. Sweet Sir Poops, you are beautiful.

  6. Oh, Sir Poops, you're so lovely. I wish I were a pup too and I'm sorry your grooming hurts so much. Keep warm.

  7. Aw, I'm sorry it hurts to be groomed, Sir Poops. But I think you look handsome, anyway.

  8. Awww... sweetie-pie... never mind, you're still cute.

  9. Hey, despite the dubious shave, you sure are blessed to have a loving human family you can look after.

    You look like a teddy bear in that last photo.

    Penny's pawtend human,


  10. You should talk to Millie who was shaved for the first time yesterday and was upset with me the rest of the day. first she ignored me, then she scolded me. I, too, brush Millie and her crazy hair but it still mats.

    1. If I talk to her, hopefully my bad breath won't bother her.

  11. Awww, fer sweet. Tangled dog hair can be a nightmare.

  12. Sir Poops, you are still beautiful! Maybe a few more hugs ad cuddles will help? *hugs and cuddles* And here's a virtual cookie *hands over yummy cookie*


Let me know what you think.