Friday, February 6, 2015

Sir Poops and Hairball: The Insecure Writer's Group

Hello, nice people!
I know I'm late posting for this group. But Mummsy has been doing all kinds of things. Research for one.
Over at her Secondhand Shoes, A Novel , she been writing about Conspiracy theories. She started with television. She's also teaching herself how to video blog. And Samah Ronit should be out in a couple of months and she's decided to put Killer Stilettos on the back burner again. She's decided to finish the extension to her short story, Time on Her Side.
Mummsy just wishes she had more time in a day to get everything in. It makes her a little insecure. She feels like she's failed because she can't write fast enough. And she gets even more frustrated when she hits a brick wall with a writing project. That's when she heads for the chocolate.

 Anyway, how's the snow? I live in Florida so we get cold and sunshine. I couldn't imagine being snowed in without my sunshine ... Or even snacks.

I'm so thankful I can bask in the warmth of the sun on a cold day.

Hope you nice people get to do the same soon.
This post was brought to you by Alex J. Cavanaugh's, Insecure Writer's Group

Lots of licks and belly rubs,
Hair Ball


  1. No worries you're late.
    Sorry there's not enough time. Want some clones?
    Enjoy your sunshine.

    1. Cloning yourself may be closer than you think.

  2. Enjoy that sunshine, Hair Ball. You look so sweet. I hope things calm down for Mummsy soon. *hugs*

  3. There's never enough time. Funny how when I worked 60 hour weeks at the newspaper my home was spotless. LOL

  4. awwwwwwwwwww such cute lovely gud dugs !
    And yes there is never enough time !

    cheers, parsnip

  5. Well, we have neither snow nor sunshine. Instead we have freeezing cold and dull. Sorry your Mummsy hasn't enough hours in the day. I know how she feels sometimes :-)

    1. Me and pansy-boy get to watch her go crazy. She talks to herself, too.

  6. Video blogging? You're braver than I am. You go, girl!

  7. Sunny Jamaica so I am just fine. Hey Mummsy.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It's sunny and extremely humid my side of the world! Wanna swap for a day? LOL


Let me know what you think.