Monday, March 30, 2015

Sir Poops and Hair Ball: ISWG: Throwing in the Writerly Towel

Today, Hair Ball and Mummsy made a Vlog, discussing some questions.

Lots of licks and belly rubs!


  1. I know too many talented writers--both now and back in my days with conventional publishing--who gave up because they didn't feel they were getting anywhere, had no control over their work, or, in a few cases, were stuck with editors they just couldn't get along with.

    I always said I couldn't give up because I wasn't good at anything else...but these days, I'll admit I've had my moments. It's not that I don't feel I can make it. That happened a long time ago. Admittedly, conventional publishing and self-publishing are like two different planets, but that's not a problem. I went into conventional publishing for them money. I turned to self-publishing to be able to write what I want. The problem I've had is me. I find it more and more difficult to concentrate, to finish what I start.

    But I haven't given up yet. Sheer stubbornness keeps me going.

    1. My problem is writing slow. I analyze everything and then have to process it.

  2. You've gone through a lot of crap in the past couple years, and since you are still writing and want to write, it's obviously what you do. You write.
    You have a great attitude, Shelly.
    I didn't write to make money, but I also don't write because I have to. Weird, huh?
    Really cool to see you and Haiaball!!

    1. Thanks. This where I'll be posting my Vlogs. I was hoping to keep it at 2-3 minutes though. Practice makes better.

  3. I write because I like it and Hairball puts up with it because he likes belly rubs and chocolate. I sometimes think he gets the better deal.

    1. Yes. I think he does have a better deal. He has nothing to worry about.

  4. I think the line "I write, therefore I am" fits the bill.

    1. Sir Wills, love your profound way with words.

  5. OK, I love this.
    It is so fun when you get to see someone you blog with and really see them.
    And it was nice seeing you too Shelly.
    H.B. was so sweet listing to you and then almost falling asleep to you voice.
    It is hard to do anything. Either your write fast and have a structure you follow, And make money. You have the ability to get up like the ones I read about and write for 4 straight hours and then go on with you day.
    No one I know does this. Like you they have families, health worries and everyday year long garbage.
    So you end up writing in bits and pieces because you have a story that you have imagined. 1 year or 5 it is just what happens.
    So stick with it. You know that it will happen.
    My art has not followed such a straight line either. It has been hard. Now that I an old and ill I have the time but not the ability.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. I write because I love writing too. I can not imagine not doing it. Yes I would love to land a traditional publishing deal but even if I don't, I will still keep going. I am on submission with my latest ms now and that is my insecurity! Waiting and wondering what will happen.

  7. Great vlog, Shelly!
    I've just started writing (as in only a few years now...) PLUS I write slow.
    So I'm plodding along.
    I have a long way to go yet.

    1. Thank you, Michelle. The path of a writer is a long one. That's for sure.

  8. How exciting to see the two of you almost in real life!! My take on this is that if you don't write you'll never get published or recognition. If you do write there's always a chance you might.

  9. Hair Ball looked like he had something to say - LOL! I hope you do more of these.

    I write because I love it. Some days more than others, but it's something I've always done.

    1. There will definitely be more Vlogs. Learning. Hoping to make them a little more professional.

  10. This was fun to watch! Hairball is a natural star and of course you are great, Shelly.
    I was in a slump for months and thought many times about throwing in the towel but realized the writing means to much to me to do so. It's a good thing I don't do it for the money though LOL.
    I hope you do more vlogs as well, you guys are great. :)

    1. It takes a little bribery to get him to sit through it. This is second Vlog.

  11. Definitely relate. I'm not a fast writer either, and pretty much write to write....although money is nice, because it places a value on what we do.

  12. It's good to hear you aren't ready to throw in the towel!
    Great vlog.

  13. Frustration is a tough thing for a writer, no matter the reason (family issues, time, money etc.) It becomes a wall. My biggest issue was being rejected time and again by every agent, and this took up all the time to wait for a response (back before we did it with emails). But I kept up with it.
    (I haven't had time to watch the vlog, today--told you it takes me an hour to download a 5 min video, so I'm going by what people are saying here.)
    There's no crime in writing slow. I have the habit of going over stuff I've written and edit it to death. I'm better now.
    Don't worry, you write the way you write because that's just the way you do it. Plod along. You're great. You know that, don't you?
    Tummy rubs to HB &SP!

    1. Actually, I have friends who are quitting. After years and years of rejection, they're done. So I shared some questions.

  14. Shelly, you look beautiful and I wish I could hug you~ Yes, and share my chocolate ;D I love this video and I write because I love to write. I recently had an article published for my words, not art and I was thrilled. It is my second time to be in a writing magazine. I am so happy you are still going there and I believe with your determination you will succeed! You are encouraging and kind and money is a tough gig with writing, but passion rules and YOU have plenty of that and talent, too!! I look forward to your next book~

  15. I do love writing, and wish I could do it more. I'm a fast writer, but slow to edit. It's just not my favorite part, but it's an incredibly important part. You've definitely been through a lot, and I'm glad you haven't thrown in the towel.

    1. No. I won't be throwing in the towel. That's not me. Everything takes time.

  16. I'm at three years and it's still a big mess, it's refreshing to hear i'm not the only slow coach. Sounds like you had a tough few years, I loved killer stilettos - smart move emailing it to yourself... Losing four drafts would have been painful enough - losing everything I'm scared to even imagine the feeling. hmmm perhaps I should add a similar subplot in my WIP :) PS I hardly recognised you from your profile pic to the video - short hair looks fabulous on you,
    Reflex Reactions

  17. It's fun to see and hear the real you. I've yet to make a cent off of any of my novels, but I enjoyed writing them, so that's why I do it. It's like the joy of reading a novel, except you get to make decisions and use your imagination to decide what will happen. I'm not giving up and am glad you aren't either.


Let me know what you think.