Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sir Poops and Hair Ball: Lorelei Bell and Her New Look

Hello, nice people! It's Hair Ball!

Today, I have a treat to share with all of you. Lorelei Bell has a new publisher and a new look.

Isn't it purdy.

Recently, she signed on with Creativia.

Anyway, here's the blurb:

After the death of her father, Sabrina Strong is hired to solve the murder of Letitia, Bjorn Tremayne's life-time mate. She is quickly immersed in romantic trysts and danger. Megalomaniac vampires are planning to take over and rule the the North American Vampire Association for their own greedy desires.

Sabrina is not thrilled about the aspect of working for vampires in Chicago, but she needs the money, and wants to find the gorgeous and mysterious vampire who has been turning up in her dreams. Is he the one who bit her when she was ten - marked her for his own - and turned her mother so long ago?

A unique and mesmerizing mystery blending intricately detailed fantasy and romance, twists and turns of mystery in a contemporary setting, and new insights on a vampire's life including love, passion, heartache, hope, devastation, lust and longing.

I know you can find this on Amazon and I believe anywhere they sell books on-line. But what do I know. I'm just a fur-peep trying to help my Mummsy and her friend out.

Lots of licks and belly rubs,
Hair Ball


  1. What a charming HB we have posting today.
    The first photo is so cute.
    Good Luck Lorelei on the new book.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. Awe, so cute. I think Hairball will help sell lots of books for Lorelei!

    1. He should probably go to her book signing and sit on the table. Now that would get her attention.

  3. I fear that Hair Ball has stolen the show just a little. He's cute.

  4. Hair Ball, thank you so much for today's post! You are so cute you should get all the tummy rubs you can handle!!

    Thanks goes out to all of you who came to mine and Hair Ball's post.
    Chocolate hugs!

    1. He was so happy to help, Lorelei. He's such a good boy.

  5. Lorelei, congratulations on finding a new publisher for your book! Know that's tough to do.

  6. Love the cover! And the story sounds awesome.

  7. Yep it's quite purdy!
    Congratulations to Lorelei!

  8. You did a great job helping, HB! Congrats to Lorelei and Hi to your Mummsy. :)


Let me know what you think.