Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Sir Poops and Hair Ball: ISWG: When the Zombie Apocolypse Hits

Hello, nice people!

It's me Hair Ball today. Sir Poops is sound asleep snoring. Mummsy  has a bad case of the flu - something she very rarely gets. And Daddy-O, thank God went to work. He's been ranting about the data Mummsy used to do all her writerly stuff with.

I think she needs to get her own phone and plan and pay for it herself. That's my opinion anyway. What do I know? I'm just a fur-peep.

Anyway, I noticed something in Mummsy's email about something called Grammarly. They wanted her to blog about it. But she's lost it already and can't find her file on it (she seems to do this a lot lately). So I'm going to post about it instead.

After checking out their site, I would say this program would be great to have in case of a Zombie-Ebola-Apocalypse hits us. It's not like most writers want to meander beyond their stories and computers anyway. But just in case, you may want to pay for Grammarly's services. 

I don't know how anyone could possibly make it through the Zombie-Ebola Zones so they could get to their live critique group (I know. I watch The Walking Dead with Mummsy). I don't think Post-It Notes and pens will protect any of you.

Their services offer a check on your grammar, word choice and plagiarism. YOU CAN FIND GRAMMARLY HERE.

Has anyone ever used this service?

Today's post was brought to you by Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Group. It's for the soul purpose of scratching each other's bellies and sharing treats. And sometimes a little bit of butt-huffing.

Lots of licks and belly rubs,
Hair Ball


  1. I've never heard of Grammarly, but it sounds useful. I've already lost my live writer's group to the too-busy-plus-guess-what?-I'm-moving apocalyse. It's not a complete disaster. My new online group is much bigger.

    1. Mummsy just joined a live crit group. She likes it a lot.

  2. I've heard of it.

    When your Mummsy's feeling better, she might want to do some of her work in the library and not have to worry about using up data time.

  3. Grammarly is great. I didn't know they offered those services those.

    As for zombies, we watched the first episode of Walking Dead. Hubby is a tender-hearted guy and couldn't take it, so we left the main character trapped in a tank in downtown Atlanta. lol

    1. Just to let you know, he escaped and is the leader of a pack. I'd hang with him in a zombie apocalypse.

  4. I'm sorry to hear that your mummsy has the flu. Hope she feels better soon. And I'm a fan of Walking Dead too, Hair Ball. One of my favorites. I'd heard of Grammarly but didn't know anything about it.

    Hugs and pets to all of you!

    1. Hugs back to you, too. I've got to take care of everything around here for now.

  5. You know i just adore how you are taking care of your Mum.
    Hope she feels better soon.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Me, too. But I like laying in bed with her.

  6. No, you need a bat and a shot-gun for protection.
    Hope you feel better, Shelly.

    1. I could always bite them but it might turn me into one.

      Thank you for wishing Mummsy well.

  7. Tell Daddy-O to get a bigger data plan. LOL

  8. I've heard a lot of positive about Grammarly, but haven't used it myself.

    1. Mummsy hasn't used it either. Maybe she should just in case zombies happen.

  9. I think I have to agree with you, Hair Ball. Your mom needs to cover her own data. Daddy-O wants her to make a lot of money but doesn't realize you have to spend it to make it.

  10. I often see people sharing things about Grammarly but I haven't tried it. Probably should have when I started writing.

  11. It's so nice of you, Hair Ball, to help mummsy out today with her blog. I found your post very informative. It doesn't hurt that you're so cute, either! I haven't used Grammarly but I've seen it around.

  12. Hairball are you quiet while Sir Poops is getting his beauty rest? Mummsy appreciates your sweetness.

    1. If I were quiet the zombies would come into our house and eat us all.

  13. Hey Hair Ball and a snoozing Sir Poops,

    I got an email from Grammarly. I sent them back an email pointing out the grammatical errors in their email. Oh the irony. Actually, Hair Ball, it was Penny who pointed out their pawblished poo poo's :)

    Penny's alleged human,

    Gary :)

  14. Haha! I want to live in a world where good grammar stops a Zombie Apocalypse. Then I might stand a chance 'coz guns and axes aren't my thing. I hope your Mumsy feels better soon!

    1. We hope she feels better, too. Me and my brother like it better when she walks us in the morning. And yeah, guns and axes are hard to use.

  15. Good to see both you pups are still here.

    Feel better soon, Shelly! *hugs*

  16. Hope you feel better soon, Shelly!
    (Gary's comment is too funny!)


Let me know what you think.