Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hair Ball and Mummsy Discuss Their Biggest Pet Peeve


  1. Can't get it to play. I'll try again later!

  2. Hair Ball would rather lick faces.

    Buy my book posts just annoy potential readers.

  3. They don't realize they'll just drive people away with those pointless messages.

    Oh, no...Shelly! It might not be a Buy MY Book message, but it's still a Buy the Book message!

  4. I so agree with you, William and Norma !
    Oh My Goodness, I love you saying "you all" and HB is looking wonderful.
    I miss some of your post. I need to go back and read them.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. That's how we talk in Florida even after a college education.

  5. It's why I don't like doing too much of this on facebook. I see that's all [BUY MY BOOK] that goes up at any of these groups, and it's really all it is. That's why I like to hang out with you bunch.
    Chocolate Hugs!

  6. Hey Shelly, you're getting quite good at this vlogging!

    I promise that I won't spam you with my non-dark-dark, non-paranormal, non-demonic book that will materialise one of these days, and probably be a hardcopy coffee-table edition of FF pieces... that will probably end up being be so costly that I won't sell any anyway. LOL

    I have Diane's book. It's a gem.

  7. Hi Shelly! What a delightful surprise to find this morning. (And now that you've plugged my book, I don't have to go plug it on Facebook - LOL!) But social media is just that. For being social. Not for advertising.

  8. Yeah... I'm actually in the camp that says: your next book is your best promotion. But usually if I bring it up, the majority of people jump down my throat.

    The thing is, though: There's a huge glut of hard selling. Adding mine probably won't help my sales much.

  9. While I've only had magazines/anthologies out at this point, I try to view it as "what would I post to just my family?" So with the things I've been in, I've posted when I found out I was going to be published (a yay post) and then posted the magazine/book once. I'm not comfortable being pushy, especially not in a place I go to try to escape and just chat with folks.

  10. Good ideas! I like your laid-back video chat style.


Let me know what you think.