Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sir Poops and Hair Ball: ISWG: Slacker Central

Good morning, nice people! Or afternoon?

Today, I want to talk about my Mummsy and brother, Sir Poops. They're a couple of slackers.

I'll start with my brother.

As you can see, this is all he does. And if he isn't lounging around, he's whining for Mummsy or Daddy-o to hold him. And when he's not whining to be held, he's pooping on our floors. He's become such a slacker in his old age. I mean, he takes medicine. Shouldn't he be better by now?

Then there's Mummsy.

Can you believe she's still in her jammie's? She stayed in bed until 9:30 this morning. She had to work an 8 day work week. She hasn't written anything since Sunday. She's acting like a zombie. Thank God, she doesn't want to eat my brains. But I wish she'd get up and play with me.

Not to mention, she feels stuck with Killer Stilettos. It's not going where she wants it. So I told her to work on something else. And that's what she's doing. But right this moment she's being a slacker sipping on tea and staring at Fox News. Maybe that'll get her off her bum. The news is not known to be good around here.

This post was brought to you by Alex J Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Group.

Lots of licks and belly rubs,
Hair Ball


  1. Oh dear, we have the same problem Hairball. Maybe we are sisters. Fiona and Pinky send their love.

  2. hahahaahahahaaha... but Mummsy has great looking feet and since you and SPAL get to see them all the time your so lucky.
    You Mummsy is so pretty.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Thank you. Sir Poops says her feet taste good, too.

  3. Oh, my...must be something in the air...everywhere....

  4. Slacking is allowed every now and then. Take care of yourselves.

    1. We will. I mean I'll be taking care of them.

  5. After an extra long work week, she's allowed a little slack time.

    1. I guess. But she needs to throw my ball for me.

  6. Tell her not to watch too much Fox news - it will rot her brain.

    1. She did about 20 minutes of it and snapped off the TV.

  7. I have to agree with Mr. Cavanaugh. I recommend the BBC instead of FOX.

    1. Mummsy watches CNN, MSNBC, Reuters, and BBC.

  8. I love when you host, Hair Ball. You really have a way with words, just like your mummsy. Give her a break, she's been working hard. Have a virtual cookie and here's one for your brother, too. *hands over cookies*


Let me know what you think.