Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sir Poops and Hair Ball: Take Some Time and Giving Out an Award

SPAL: Good morning, nice people. Mummsy is still doing Arlee Bird's April A to Z Blog Challenge over at her Secondhand Shoes, A Novel blog.

Thank God we have a working computer again.
HB: Yeah. Last week when Mummsy was trying to fix her connection issues, she wiped out all of her important software. But everything is good now.
SPAL: Yes. It is. So from here I'm going to let my brother take over. He has things to share and say while I get ready for another nap. ***yawns***
HB: Oh goodie! Who wants to play chase the pumpkin with me?
You can't be all work and no play. It'll gel keep your butt from getting numb and your eyes crossing from all those blogs you're reading.

Come on! I'll show you how to do it!
Nomnomnomnom! Grrrrr!


I love this game! I'm your fawther littel-pumpkin-Skywalker!
Wasn't that fun?

Oh and before I we go today, I'm awarding this cute picture of myself.

To Eve Gaal at The Desert Rocks and amp; Intangible Hearts. She's been teaching everyone Hawiaan over at her blog during the A to Z Challenge. She's funny and writes great poetry, too. And when I searched for her link today, it denied me access. Blogger is being a Blooger again!

So Miss Evie, if you get this message come pick up my cute photo. And make sure you give Fiona a nice leg hug for me. She's a cutie. But Penny the Jack Russel and Internet superstar has my heart. I hope Fiona doesn't take it personally.

Until next week.

Lots of licks and belly rubs for everyone!


  1. Replies
    1. Aren't they. Hair Ball loves posing for this.

  2. OK, The cutie in the award is HB , his face is fuller and SPAL has the smaller face and straighter hair ? ? ?
    Still trying to figure this out.
    I love Eve's Hawaiian ABC blog.
    I always forget your second blog.... So I need to catch up.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Wow, I am so honored to get such a cute and wonderful award. This is awesome. Wait till I tell everyone. Oh, and The Desert Rocks is no more which explains getting denied access. The new blog is Intangible Hearts and it's easier to find me with my name as in blog or dot come. Here: or I'm so excited Hairball! Yipee! Fiona, listen to this....

    1. Lots of licks, Miss Evie. Thank you for the link, too.

  4. I'm glad this post was at the top of my reader. I've been so busy with A-Z. I am glad I haven't missed any of posts from the fur kiddies! Congrats to Eva!

  5. I read this with my one year old niece sitting on my lap. She saw your dogs and went, "Arf, arf!" :)

  6. You rock, HB! These are some of my fave pics of you yet. And of course you are also adorable, SPAL. So glad the computer is working again and the connection issues have been fixed!

  7. Okay...did the award go to Eve, or to Fiona--or to both of them?

    No matter. They're both adorable!

  8. Eve's good people!

    I'm finding lately that some blogs don't update for hours, or even days later, and other blogs might be on the blogroll at one point in the day, and gone later when you'd usually be commenting. It's quite annoying.

    1. Evie is great! And yes, Blogger is a Blooger.

  9. I'm glad it's not just me that blogger hates. I even talk nicely to it yet it still buggers me about every day. If those dogs get any cuter they'll be singing happy birthday to the President soon.

    1. I've been having a lot of problems with Blogger as of late.

  10. That brought a smile! Adorable doggies. Hugs for them, oh, yes, one for you two. I can't comment on the Desert Rocks, but love that one too.

  11. Hi you two,

    Thank goodness your internet connection is now working. Paw away on the peeboard, guys, um, keyboard.

    Nice to see that the lovely Eve has been bestowed the Boniefied Blogger Award by you pawesome two. I thank you for giving that award at an earlier time. As I mentioned before, until that silly A to Z is over, I wont make mention of your award. Sadly, we get lost in that alphabet shuffle.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny, the friendly host of the Alphabark Challenge! :)

    1. We'll be glad when it's over.

    2. And so will my human and I! Enough is enough! Enjoy your Easter :)

  12. I don't know why blogger is so full of nonsense these days. :-/

  13. I do think that Hair Ball ought to take up professional acting or modelling. He could earn his keep that way!


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