Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sir Poops and Hair Ball: Solve a Mystery Today with Julie Flander's Fur-Peep, Clancy

HB: Why are you staring at the computer for? You're ignoring our guest Clancy. You promised to play hide the bone with us.

SPAL: Shhh...I'm watching some nice lady on Mummsy's web cam. But she looks transparent like.

HB: Let me see. ( he glances at the computer screen) Yeah. You can see right through her. Hey Clancy! Come over here. Wanna see something cool?

Clancy: Oh, I know that lady. That's Stella. My mom wrote a book about her. From what I know, she's really sad. (Looks around the room) Hey, I thought we were going to play hide the bone. I know I can beat both of you guys. 

SPAL: But why is she sad?

HB: Yeah. Why is she? Did someone steal her treat?

Clancy: She's sad because she lost someone. Or something, I can't remember. Whatever it was, she's been looking for it for a long time. She's really old. You know one thing my mom told me about her? She used to have a dog named Henry. She must be a nice lady then, don't you think?

HB: Was she playing hide the bone with Henry?

SPAL: Oh dear. It's horrible to lose a bone. Do you think we should help her find it?

Clancy: She probably was playing hide the bone with him, yeah. He was supposed to be a working dog and help her with her sheep, but he was kind of goofy and the sheep didn't pay any attention to him, so she just played with him instead. Stella lived on a farm and had sheep, did I tell you that? Anyway, I think we should help them find the bone. If we find it, I get to eat it.

SPAL: Maybe the sheep took the bone.

HB: Clancy, I get to eat the bone when we find it.

SPAL: No. You two. We should share it with Stella and Henry. It was their bone first.

Clancy: No way. If I find it, I'm eating it. You know, maybe Christopher hid the bone. He was staying at the farm for a while and Stella and Henry really liked him. He had to leave unexpectedly though. Maybe he hid it before he left and never got to tell them.

SPAL: Who is Christopher?

HB: Yeah. Who is he? And why do we have to share the bone? I certainly don't want share if Clansy isn't.

Clancy: Stella took care of Christopher after he was in a shipwreck. They became friends but her husband didn't like Christopher at all.

SPAL: Why not?

HB: Yeah. How come? Did he steal a bone or something? Or Eat his bowl of kibble? Those are good grounds not to like someone.

Clancy: I don't know why. I don't think he stole anything. I think her husband was just kind of a grouch. I don't think he liked Henry either. Isn't it weird there are people who don't like dogs? How could anyone not like us?

HB: shrugs...I don't know. Maybe we should bite the old grouch before he bites us.

SPAL: But it might make Stella sad.

HB: I think it would make her happy. Clancy, let's go bite the old grouch and find the bone.

SPAL: Mummsy wouldn't like that. I'm sure Clancy's Mummsy wouldn't like that either. We need to think 'what would Mummsy do' in a situation like this.

Clancy: Yeah, I'm not supposed to bite anyone, I don't think my mom would like that. Even though I think Stella's husband deserves it. And I think you're right.

HB: I think it probably would make Stella happy! Maybe she'd give us all bones if we bit him. 

SPAL: How does your Mummsy know Stella?

HB: Yeah.

Clancy: She learned about her through a writer named Hannah who lives in Boston. Mom doesn't actually know Stella herself. She just heard about her from Hannah. Hannah saw Stella on the Martha's Vineyard webcam and got to know her that way.
*       SPAL: A writer? That must mean there's a book! Where can we find the book? It would probably be best to read about her story first.
*       HB: No! I say Clancy and me goes over there now. Bite the grouch and find any lost bones.

*       SPAL: Your ideas are always stupid, stupid.
*       HB: And yours are pansy ones, pansy.


Description: Let me ask my mom where to find the book, hang on. (Disappears for a minute.) Okay, I got it. Here are the links where you can find it:  Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Smashwords  ~ Kobo  ~ Ink Smith Store
Now lets look for the bones! I'm hungry.

 The Ghosts of Aquinnah blurb:

A brilliant flash of light transcends through time.

Another freezes a cloaked figure within a frame of salty mist as waves crash against a rocky shore. Her harrowing expression shadows the beacon to a pinprick.

By the next blaze, she is gone. Only the lighthouse remains.

Hannah’s eyes blink in step with each heartbeat. Images of her deceased parents and Martha’s Vineyard explode like firecrackers inside her mind.

She shakes her head.

For weeks this eerie woman dressed in nineteenth century garb has been haunting my webcam, but tonight she stared into my soul.

Why? ...

Who is she? ...

Casting aside months of research on historic lighthouses, Hannah drives to the coast and boards a ferry.

What is the strange connection she has to this mysterious woman suspended in time?

Hannah finds out.

But, it’s not at all what she expects ...

Hannah unravels a century old murder.

The Ghosts of Aquinnah on Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Smashwords ~ Goodreads

Author Bio:

Julie Flanders is a novelist and freelance writer in Cincinnati, Ohio. She has a life-long love affair with the ocean and has spent more summer vacations than she can count on the island of Martha’s Vineyard. When not writing, Julie can be found playing with her pets, reading, cheering on her favorite sports teams, and watching too much television. The Ghosts of Aquinnah is Julie’s second novel. Her debut novel Polar Night was released in February, 2013 by Ink Smith Publishing.

My Links:

We hope you buy Clancy's Mummsy's book!

Lots of licks!
Sir Poops and Hair Ball  


  1. Thank you so much for having Clancy here, Shelly, SPAL, and HB! He is so excited about it and had so much fun. You guys rocks! :)

    1. We had fun, too. We've been napping and watching CNN.

  2. That's right, go bite him! Don't think Christopher wants a bone though.
    Really funny, today!!

    1. Yeah. Its funny when my brother, Hair Ball comes up with stupid ideas.

  3. Inger: Good job guys, this book sounds fascinating.

    Samson (my Samoyed) says: I eat books, hard cover books, yummy!

  4. There's something wrong with people who don't like dogs, that's for sure.

    I hope they find that bone.

  5. Reading this book is a very good idea. But sometimes biting the grouch works, too. Especially one who doesn't like dogs.

  6. My grandma (the crazy cat lady) always told me to NEVER trust a person who hated animals.

    Nice way to put those dogs to work and make them earn their bones!

  7. Sir Poops and Hair Ball are always busy on the computer.

  8. Oh, gosh, this post was way too much fun to read! The "bite the grouch" line had me giggling endlessly... XD

    1. Grouches need a little nip on the ole ankles to keep them in line.

  9. Yeah, bite the grouch! Sounds like you pups had fun -- and Clancy did an excellent job explaining his mummy's book.

  10. It is weird that some people don't like dogs. This was so fun to read. :D

    1. People that don't like fur peeps are grouches who need their ankles bitten.

  11. A round of bones for everyone! This was very cute, Julie, Shelly. Clancy, Sir Poops, and Hair Ball!


  12. Thanks Alex, Inger, Diane, LD, Elizabeth, Heather, Nicki, William, Medeia, and Julie! Clancy is thrilled that you liked his visit to SPAL and HB. :)

  13. I am baking peanut butter dog bones now! You are all welcome to drop neighbor thought they were cookies and ate one. She stated, "Dogs rule-people drool"....?!

    Fun to read you two!!

  14. I always enjoy reading what the pups are up to. So much fun to be had!

    1. If only I could stay home and join in on their fun.

  15. @Ella, oh, Clancy would love nothing more than those peanut butter bones LOL. He is obsessed with peanut butter. :D

    @MJ, I love checking in with HB and SPAL too. Thanks!

  16. The book sounds intriguing. The town I live in is rich in civil war history. My grandma used to tell us stories. I'd have to look for the phone card, but I did have pics from several locations here taken at night showing orbs and figures.
    Great post and way to keep the fur pups occupied hiding and looking for bones. :)

    1. Oh, that sounds really interesting! Civil War history is so fascinating. Thanks for your comment, great to meet you.

  17. Bones keep them out of trouble.

  18. Nothing like three pups to tell us about Julie's new book! I hope they got to play.

    The Warrior Muse

    1. Playing is always on the agenda.

    2. Thanks, Shannon! They played so much Clancy still hasn't recovered. :D

  19. Hi Shelly and Clancy - glad you're promoting Julie's book, though bones and reminiscences seemed to play a big part in the post! Fun write up .. and loved meeting the dogs - though losing a great friend living with us a long time, as Henry obviously did - sadly these times come around .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks, Hilary! And you're right, Henry did have a rough time, poor dog.

  20. Hey Hair Ball, Sir Poops and Clancy,

    Clancy, my very shy dog, Penny and I, her mere human, know your human, Julie, is a very talented author. We also know how much she loves you and you love her.

    Penny sends you a British bone of some description. Enjoy.

    Penny's alleged human,

    Gary :)

    1. Clancy thinks British bones are the best of all. Thanks Penny and Gary! :)

  21. The book sounds very exciting but hiding a bone is even more exciting. Hugs from Fiona!

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